Technology- and strategy consulting

Consulting for new materials, lightweight and composite materials is our strength


Technology consulting
- Example Carbon Fiber (CF) - 

  • Technical specification of production facilities
  • Process know-how for plant operation
  • Supplier management

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Strategy consulting
- Example
Carbon Fiber (CF) - 

  • CFC market analyses
  • Cost structure analyses and cost models
  • Procurement optimization

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The importance of composite materials will continue to increase in future

Commercial airplanes with composite materials beat their predecessors in terms of fuel consumption and operation costs

Carbon fibers and other light-weight materials improve fuel efficiency and open new opportunities in large-series car production

Composite materials are used to realize extra-large wind turbines with large and light rotor blades for on-shore and off-shore applications

The construction industry applies carbon fiber composites at special constructions (e.g. bridges) as well as maintenance projects

An efficient recycling of composite components reduces disposal costs and improves the total environmental balance